Let's Get Together
Author: David Romano
In this event, you need to combine the contents of several text files into one. There are a number of things you need to do in order to succeed at this event:
Find all the text files (files with a .txt file extension) in the folder C:\Scripts. (Make sure you use C:\Scripts; if you use any other folder you won’t receive the points for this event.)
Create a new file named C:\Temp\Newfile.txt. (Once again, the full path and name for the file your script creates must match this exactly.)
Copy the first line – and only the first line – from each text file in C:\Scripts into your new file.
That’s it. When your script completes you should have a new file in your C:\Temp folder named Newfile.txt. Newfile.txt should contain the first line – followed by a carriage-return linefeed – from each text file in C:\Scripts.
Source code: event003-unobe.pl
use v6; my $run-dir = $*PROGRAM-NAME.IO.dirname; my @files = dir($run-dir).sort; my $output = $*SPEC.catdir($run-dir, 'newfile.txt'); $output.IO.unlink if $output.IO.e; # only select .txt files required for this event for @files.grep: { .match(/test.*\.txt $$/) } { my $inputfh = open $_, :r; my $outputfh = open $output, :a; $outputfh.say( $($inputfh.get) ); # $(...) forces item context .close for $inputfh, $outputfh; }