One of These Things is not Like the Others
Author: Eric Hodges
This event is a matching game. We'll provide you with some arrays, and you have to write a script that reports which element in each array is different from the others.
Event Scenario
If you have an apple, an orange, and a carrot, which one doesn't belong? We'd have to say the carrot, because the apple and the orange are fruits, whereas the carrot is a vegetable. In this event you'll take groups of three elements and determine which element is different from the others. You'll start with five arrays, with three elements in each array:
$a1 = ("monday", "MONDAY", "monday"); $a2 = ("TUESDAY", "tuesday", "tuesday"); $a3 = ("WEDNESDAY", "wednesday", "wednesday"); $a4 = ("thursday", "thursday", "THURSDAY"); $a5 = ("friday", "FRIDAY", "friday");
To receive the 5 points for this event you must write a script that reports which of the three elements in each array is different from the other two. For example, the second element in array 1 is different, so your output would look something like this:
a1: second
Source code:
use v6; sub find_unique (@x) { my %test; %test{$_}++ for @x; return %test.pairs.first( { .value == 1 }); }; my @a1 = ("monday", "MONDAY", "monday"); my @a2 = ("TUESDAY", "tuesday", "tuesday"); my @a3 = ("WEDNESDAY", "wednesday", "wednesday"); my @a4 = ("thursday", "thursday", "THURSDAY"); my @a5 = ("friday", "FRIDAY", "friday"); find_unique(@a1).key.say; find_unique(@a2).key.say; find_unique(@a3).key.say; find_unique(@a4).key.say; find_unique(@a5).key.say;