Generates the Mandelbrot Set fractal
Author: Rodrigo Siqueira (@rsiqueira)
To be submitted to "The Computer Language Benchmarks Game", to test Perl6 speed / performance in comparison with other programming languages.
USAGE: perl6 mandelbrot.p6 200 > image.pbm
Source code: mandelbrot.p6
use v6; constant $MAXITER = 50; constant $xmin = -1.5; constant $ymin = -1.0; my $w = (@*ARGS[0] || 200); my $h = $w; my Rat $invN = 2/$w; print "P4\n$w $h\n"; # PBM image header my Int $bit_num = 0; my Int $is_set=1; my Int $byte = 0; for (0..$h-1) -> $y { my Rat $y_coord = $y * $invN + $ymin; for 0..$w-1 -> $x { my Rat $x_coord = $x * $invN + $xmin; my Complex $C = $x_coord + $y_coord\i; my Complex $z=0+0i; for (0..$MAXITER) { # Iterate $z = $z * $z + $C; if ($z.abs > 4) { # Outer area of the Mandelbrot Set $is_set = 0; last; } } # if ($is_set) { # Inner area of the Mandelbrot Set # print "o"; # } else { # Outer area # print "."; # } $bit_num++; $byte = $byte +< 1; if ($is_set) { $byte = $byte +| 1; } if ($bit_num == 8) { $bit_num = 0; my $buf = $byte ); $*OUT.write($buf); $byte = 0; } elsif ($x == $w-1) { # (8 - $w%8) bits to fill out the last byte in the row $byte = $byte +< (8 - $w%8); my $buf = $byte ); $*OUT.write($buf); $byte = 0; $bit_num = 0; } $is_set=1; } # Next x # print "\n"; } # Next y