Using the Spectrum Graph to Infer Peptides
Author: L. Grondin
Sample input
3524.8542 3623.5245 3710.9335 3841.974 3929.00603 3970.0326 4026.05879 4057.0646 4083.08025
Sample output
Source code:
use v6; my $default-input = q:to/END/; 3524.8542 3623.5245 3710.9335 3841.974 3929.00603 3970.0326 4026.05879 4057.0646 4083.08025 END sub MAIN($input-file = Nil) { my $input = $input-file ?? $input-file.IO.slurp !! $default-input; my $mass-table-file = $*SPEC.catdir($*PROGRAM-NAME.IO.dirname, "monoisotopic-mass-table.txt"); my %mass-table = slurp($mass-table-file).words; my @L = sort $input.lines; my %invert-mass-table = %mass-table.invert.hash; sub spectrum-graph(@L) { my %edges; for ^@L -> $i { note my $u = @L[$i]; for @L[$i+1..*-1] -> $v { my $mass = %invert-mass-table{$v - $u}; %edges{$u}.push: { next-mass => $v, amino-acid => $mass; } if defined $mass; } } return %edges; } my %graph = spectrum-graph(@L); sub find-protein($initial-mass) { return '' unless %graph{$initial-mass} :exists; gather for %graph{$initial-mass}[] { take .<amino-acid> «~« find-protein(.<next-mass>); } } say max :by(*.chars), map &find-protein, @L; }