Distances in Trees
Author: L. Grondin
Sample input
(cat)dog; dog cat (dog,cat); dog cat
Note: a trailing newline is necessary in the input data so that the input is divisible by three.
Sample output
1 2
Source code: nwck-grondilu.pl
use v6; my $default-data = q:to/END/; (cat)dog; dog cat (dog,cat); dog cat END sub MAIN($input-file = Nil) { my $input = $input-file ?? $input-file.IO.slurp !! $default-data; say gather for $input.lines.list -> $newick, $taxa, $ { my ($a, $b) = $taxa.split: ' '; my @token = $newick.comb: rx/ <.ident>+ | <[(),]> /; Nil while @token.shift ne $a|$b; my ($climbs, $descents) = 0 xx 2; for @token { last if $_ eq $a or $_ eq $b; if /< , ) >/ { if $descents > 0 { $descents-- } else { $climbs++ } } if /< , ( >/ { $descents++ } } take $climbs + $descents; }.join(" "); }